TORQUETRAK 计算器 TorqueTrak 10K TorqueTrak TPM2 TorqueTrak Revolution Torque Strain Power Torque Conversion G-Force Menu TorqueTrak 10K TorqueTrak TPM2 TorqueTrak Revolution Torque Strain Power Torque Conversion G-Force Binsfeld 的 TorqueTrak 10k 计算器用于设置和确认 TorqueTrak 10K 或 TorqueTrak 10K-LP 遥测系统的功能。使用计算器确定满量程扭矩、缩放输出并确认内部分流器的正确安装。 使用与您所需的测量单位相对应的计算器。有关这些计算器背后的公式的更多信息,请参阅 TorqueTrak 10K 用户手册的附录 B。 Full Scale Torque corresponds to 10V output from the RX10K receiver Outer Diameter (DO) mm Inner Diameter (DI) mm (enter 0 for solid shaft) Gage Factor (GF) (supplied with gages) Number of Active Gages (N) (4 for full bridge) Sys. Output Full Scale (Vfs) volts Bridge Excitation Level (Vexc) volts Modulus of Elasticity (E) N/mm2 (206800 for steel) Poisson Ratio (v) (0.3 for steel) Transmitter Gain (Gxmt) 500 (± 4000με) 1000 (± 2000με) 2000 (± 1000με) 4000 (± 500με) 8000 (± 250με) 16000 (± 125με) Full Scale Torque Tfs Scale TorqueTrak 10K Output Optional User Full Scale Torque (Tref) N·m (0.25 to 4.0 times Full Scale Torque; with no scaling, Tref = Tfs) Set System Gain on RX10K receiver to this value System Gain (GS) Sensitivity (S) Verify the Output Recommended Shunt 1 Sim. Torque (T1) Shunt 2 Sim. Torque (T2) Output with Shunt 1 (V1) Displayed Value 1 on RX10k Output with Shunt 2 (V1) Displayed Value 2 on RX10k NOTE: Valid for 350 ohm strain gage only. Deviation in the actual Voltage Output or Displayed Value from the Calculated Output value with shunt applied is not an indication of overall system accuracy. Shunt is placed in parallel with one leg of the bridge, exaggerating error that is cancelled in the full bridge circuit. However, Voltage Output should be within +/-1% of the calculated value. Torque & Power Conversions Enter Power kW Enter RPM RPM Torque Enter Torque N-m Enter RPM RPM Power Power